Nude Crislefantine sculpture with mantle following models of Carl Kauba (Austria 1865-1922). It represents a lady in a tunic. Sculpture in ivory and bronze patinated and chiseled, articulated that when the tunic opens, reveals the nudity of the maiden. It is made of patinated and chiselled bronze. The lady of the interior of the tunic is made of finely hand-carved elephant ivory. The base is onyx. Signed in bronze. CITES documentation is attached.
AUTHOR: Carl Kauba (Austria 1865-1922). It represents a lady in a tunic.
HEIGHT (cm): 23
BASE (cm): 10.5×10
WEIGHT (gr): 1923
MATERIAL: Patinated bronze, CITES certified elephant ivory, onyx at base
Current era
STYLE: Art Nouveau
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